November 29, 2012

All so scary...

       When I decided to pursue my dream and write a book, it seemed to be the perfect job for me. I get to stay home and work in my pajamas if I want. I get to work with my cousin. I was on my own schedule: no boss, no deadlines, no stress. How lucky am I? I think of myself as a bit of a recluse, so it all worked perfectly for me. Now, reality was setting in.
       My husband was leaving for work and I wanted to give a copy to his coworker, who was gracious enough to read our manuscript several years ago. I read you should sign books with an extra fine tip Sharpie and in a color other than black. Apparently, there are rules for signing books. I had a blue fine tip Sharpie so I decided to use that. How much difference could there be between a fine tip and an extra fine tip? My hand was actually trembling and my heart was racing. I was thinking this is crazy, I’m just signing a book, and who wants my signature anyway. Maybe I shouldn’t sign it—I should just give her an unsigned copy—but my husband talked me into it. I wrote out what I wanted to say on a separate piece of paper so I wouldn’t destroy a book with my scribble. I took a few deep breaths, and signed on the title page (another rule of signing). Well, I was using an older Sharpie and the tip was too thick so the ink showed through the page. Damn! And after I had finished, I thought of so many other things I wanted to say to her. My husband assured me that I was overthinking the whole thing and she would love it.
        He took the book with him to work.


November 20, 2012

FINALLY available for purchase...

       My cousin Dianne Vigorito and I are very excited to announce that our book is finally available for sale. Yeah! It has been seven years in the making and a year in production. It is a novel that begins in 1900 and follows the lives of a mother and her four small children as they escape from Italy into the streets of Hell’s Kitchen, New York. If you’re interested go to our website and it will tell you more about our story and how to order.
       The RELEASE DATE is FEBRUARY 19th, but it is available for purchase now through our publisher’s website (allow 10 days for shipping), and after the release date, it will also be available at online retailers like Amazon and Barnes and Noble, in bookstores, and in libraries. It is available in soft cover or digital download. Yeah again! It is truly a Happy Thanksgiving!