June 2, 2015

Join me and 100+ authors at BooksNJ 2015




       I am delighted to have been invited to take part in the BooksNJ 2015 convention! It will be an amazing day for readers and 100+ writers. 
       I am especially honored to have been asked to participate on the panel, Coming to America: The Immigration Experience, with the highly praised and talented authors: Maria Laurino, Maria E. Andreu, Daisy Hernandez, and Sung J. Woo.
       For more information, please visit the Bergen County Library System’s Website, and for a list of the participating writers click here. 
       KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: KodyKeplinger, Maria Laurino, and Lev Golinkin.
Please come and join in the festivities!


May 2, 2015


The benevolence of the
Children's Aid Society of NY
was a common thread in our ancestors' stories.
In memory of Dianne Vigorito,
100% of the 2015 net sales
is being donated to the
Children's Aid Society of NY.
Donations as of May 2015: $700



February 27, 2015

Author Interview from BookStopCorner...

Author Q&A Session : With Mona Rodriguez

Welcome to an all new author interview session, and today I present you the author who has spun a family saga which is thoroughly compelling. Inspired by her own family story,
Mona Rodriguez wrote her very first book,
"Forty Years in a Day",
and she is here on BookStopCorner to talk about those family secrets, her book, her journey and her life beyond books.

 Read the interview to know more about this incredible first time author.
Read the review of Forty Years in a Day

Thank you Aditi Saha at BookStopCorner!

February 15, 2015

February 5, 2015


I am deeply saddened by the loss of my 
dear friend and cousin Dianne Vigorito. 
I am fortunate to have had the pleasure of 
working with Dianne on Forty Years In A Day 
and sharing in this extraordinary journey with her. 
Her warmth and friendship will be missed. 
I know heaven has been blessed with another angel.

December 10, 1959-February 5, 2015

January 16, 2015

New Review from BookStopCorner..."the book is devastatingly beautiful"


"A thought-provoking family saga set in New York in the

1900s, which is so good that it will pull you into its deepest

core of pain, love and grief!

In a nutshell, I would like to say the plot is exceptionally

fantastic, and the authors not only take us back in time and

era, but also take us to our favorite city in the world-New

York-and they have captured New York very vividly with their

exquisite words and visual way of story-telling!"

                                                                                              ...Aditi Saha